Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mile 28 - Olympic Glory-ish - Saturday, 13 August.

Sincere apologies for the lack of attention to the blog. A bit of a writers block, I suppose ? Fear not, the miles have continued in spite of my lack of documentation. Shame on me.  First thing's first- Mile 29.

I arrived in Munich at approximately 11:30pm Friday night. Straight to bed after a few Munich beers at Fidan and Wolfgangs wonderful apartment located in the center of Munich.

8 hours later, Fidan comes in my room and suggests we knock out the mile at the Olympic Park just down the road. Fantastic idea! Thankfully the day before I travel napped for at least 4 hours in total. I was quite rested for 10am on a Saturday morning. Munich is beautifully peaceful. A metropolitan city, yet suspiciously quiet? No loud sirens or horns. Just lots of people out walking, biking, driving their BMWs. Kidding. They don't all have BMWs. Though the thought is quite entertaining.

After probably a 5 minute walk, we started in to the Munich Olympic Park.

 It is important to remember that the 1972 Munich Olympics was the site of the appalling terrorist kidnapping and eventual murder of Israeli athletes by a Palestinian group terrorist group.

Tragic story aside, the day was beautifully sunny and warm. We got lucky and stumbled upon a summer festival being held in the park. Something to do with unicycles, dreadlocks, and carnival rides, food, and games? We're still a bit confused as to the actual theme/purpose of the festival. Nevertheless, we walked in just in time for free entry while the festivities were being set up. Made for a good hour stroll to see the sights.

After making our way up a rather large German hill, Fidan and I decided to start the mile run from the top of the hill back to her apartment. Running down a hill is almost just as hard as running up a hill! Ouch!

After the run we went for a bicycle tour of Munich and feasted on much deserved German sausage, cheese spread and beer!

Pictures from Munich Olympic Park.

The Olympic Stadium

This reminds me of the movie Toys with Robin Williams.

and so does this.

up the hill
BMW Headquarters


Down the hill

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