Ladies and gentlemen, today, Grandma ran TWO miles, non stop! Two laps around the neighborhood ( see Mile 5) Today's goal. Met. I'd like to thank...
My fans. Mr. Boxer who so graciously cheered me on for two laps.
This sign for making me laugh. Twice
And the cute boy who works at the corner store for making me paranoid every time I ran past the door.
Black and White hides the red face and perspiration
I have a feeling today's dedication had a lot to do with the less than satisfactory clothes shopping excursion experienced earlier in the day. I'm not sure when or if I'll ever walk into a dressing room without wanting to shoot myself in the foot. Goal #145, walk in to dressing room without wanted to shoot myself in the foot. Noted.
I decided to do a repeat run today for two reasons. 1. I wanted a familiar and easy path so I could focus more on the two mile goal. And 2. I spent too much time deciding whether or not I liked the red dress or the green dress at H&M.( I chose the green dress.)It's amazing what kind of motivation one receives from the clarity of a three way mirror inside a 40x40 cubical. 4 dressing rooms later, there was nothing keeping me from completing this 2 mile goal. Nothing.
I returned to the grandma pace my legs so obviously love, then dominated the two miles.
To top it all off, I celebrated with the most amazing Malaysian food feast. Malaysian food is fantastic. Highly recommended! |
Ok, I'm exhausted. Sorry for the lame post. I'll try better tomorrow. I promise.
YAY NAN!! 2 mile grandma GOOOO!! I love the self portrait and the sign, and the fact that you thanked the cute guy that made you self conscious!!