Welcome to Kensington Gardens. Walk through and become entranced by the formal avenues of magnificent trees and ornamental flower beds.

Feast your eyes on Kensington Palace, the meticulously sculpted Italian Gardens, and the grandiose Albert Memorial.

Become inspired by the beloved Peter Pan sculpture, the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain......

the Serpentine pond...

the Senile Old Lady Walking Her Dog Shouting/Mumbling Anti-Immigrant Xenophobic Obscenities?
Oh yes, today, this seemingly sweet little old lady demanded me to quote "Get out of my country!" ... She said it quite mater-of-factually. As if I had heard it a million times and should be accustomed to such demands. I, however, was flabbergasted.. Confused - mainly because what makes her think I'm not English? I'm alone in a park, wearing running clothes like every other person there!
It all started with an innocent picture of the trees,a monument, and a precious dog. There was no one else around, just the three of us walking along. Overwhelmed by the beauty of my surroundings, I started to take a few pictures of the landscape. After the second photo, I realized I could hear mumbling. Then a loud demanding voice yelled "Get out of my country!". I looked beside me, behind me, beside me again...It took about 7 seconds for me to realize this woman was actually yelling at ME! In absolute shock I conjured up the most polite/slightly British "Sorry?" I could manage. Silence. We stood there staring into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity, but what was actually about 5 seconds. Then she shouted " I don't care if you're from here, you shouldn't be taking pictures in public!" Again I replied with " Sorry?" I couldn't help but continue staring in totally amazement. It was as if someone had just told me to get out of my spaceship and put my hands on the ground. Her eyes were glaring, she actually hated me. Despised my presence. After another 5 second staring contest, she - I can't make this stuff up- puffed out her chest and yelled "you askin' ?!". Silence. I decided this was the point when I should just walk away. So I did.
Now, I could have rebutted her initial demand with the standard stereotypical American reply " If it wasn't for the help of MY country, you'd be speaking German" But I have too much respect for the British soldiers who fought in the World Wars to ever say anything of that nature, especially to a direct descendant of the period. What I REALLY wanted to say was " Your COUNTRY fought for hundreds of years to rule the countries of the people you so eagerly wish to eradicate. Be careful what you wish for! We're all here now, so stop complaining and start ruling!" But, instead I walked away, with but a picture to remember her by.
The truth is, she made me quite sad. Not sad because she wanted for me to leave her country. Sad that I will never be able to understand where she's coming from. Was her mind simply infected with dementia? Even if so, those emotions had to come from somewhere? Where? How? Why? In all honesty, It has to be said that most Londoners dread the tourist season. The crowds, the lines, the countless pictures being taken on every corner. But they dread the idea of tourist season, not the individual tourists? Perhaps she was tired of people taking pictures of her dog? Fair enough.
On a more positive note. Touring Kensington Palace reminded me of a haunted house, but without the annoying scary people dressed up, walking around, popping out from behind walls, trying to scare everyone. The Palace itself is under intense construction. Most of the rooms are blocked off. The state rooms are stripped of most furniture and transformed into modern art installations- the Enchanted Palace. Very dark, mystical, quite interesting actually. The window curtains were drown closed leaving most of the rooms dark, except for the intended light from the installation. Most palace tours are restricted to daylight hours. This tour gives you an idea of life in the palace, after dark. Spoooky. http://www.hrp.org.uk/KensingtonPalace/stories.aspx
The run was quite relaxing. Kensington Gardens is a glorified park with trails and ponds. Perfect for running or walking. I'm still frustrated with my performance. I thought I'd be more comfortable by now. Not the case. Nevertheless, I shall go on. Tomorrow I'm going to do two miles, even if it kills me. It's not going to kill me. I will be fine.
And now for the slide show.
The Italian Fountains |
Kensington Palace - Birth place of Queen Victoria. Home to Princess Diana until her death. |
Each red ball encapsulated a wish made by recent visitors. |
Staircase with a fleeing princess |
The room where l8 year old Victoria was woken from her sleep to find she was queen. |
Soldiers |
Albert Memorial. Queen Victoria's beloved husband.
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