Monday, July 18, 2011

Mile 2 - Neighborhood High Street ( Essex Road )

And so it continues...

Day two started off with a bit of mild soreness. Admittedly, the fact that I'm sore after 1 mile seems a bit silly. Can I actually be sore after a mere mile??? Apparently so.

Minor details. The day must go on!
At around 3pm, after having watched the third antiques show on BBC 1 ( we have only 2 channels), I looked at Cash and said, "well, I reckon it's time to get this thing started?". Cash graciously lifted his head, looked at me, sighed, then laid his head back down. His nonchalance screamed "leave me be and get on with it you silly nag". You see Cash and I have a love/hate relationship. We love each other when we're both tired and lazy. Hate each other when I'm tired and he needs to go outside to wee. Or when I've made a nice chicken dinner and he eats half the plate when I walk away from the table - at which point I  scream  and spray him with the water bottle.  I think he quite liked the idea of pulling me along yesterday like a drill Sergeant to his new recruits. All this to say, I left Cash at home for this run. I'll make it up to him with a belly rub later tonight.

The Neighborhood High Street. I must admit I was quite nervous about this run because to be honest, I'm a silly looking runner. I'm not afraid to admit it. I am funny looking - flailing, stomping, mouth open, stopping to catch my breath at every road crossing. Most runners you see on the street look like graceful gazelles frolicking through each street crossing as if the herds part just to lay witness to their superior elegance.

I, however, look like a deranged African buffalo.

I must have walked in circles for 20 minutes trying to pump-up myself enough to get this run going. I literally stood in this spot, at the top of Essex Rd, for an entire song until I finally just said "F-it, I'm in Islington, not bloody Regent Street! Go damn-it".

Off I Go!..... thump thump thump thump, "breath", thump thump thump, "This isn't so bad....why are my feet hurting, already?....ugh I hate running on concrete....OK, I'll stop for just a second...NO! at least run to the traffic light you lazy cow....OK fine!!"

Surprisingly I managed to make it a good distance before nature gave me a short break for rain....Must remember to wear water resistant layers next time.

The rain stopped after about 3 minutes. Off I go again - stopping for only one picture before finally making it to the mile marker destination. Islington Green Park...ahhhhh

Now I'm sure at some point I'll see the "run" as fun and in fact the highlight of my day. But until then, the walk home will be the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow!( See pictures, below.)All in all, I count this run as a success. My goal for the end of the 6 weeks: Gazelle run on Regent Street - frolicking effortlessly like the rest of the spandex crusaders. Minus the spandex. 



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